Holiday Cheer

As 2024 comes to an end, we’re thankful for all the new things we’ve tried and learned!

Shelby gained some XP in the coding world with his new front-end developer hat (which he wears alongside his designer cap).

Kristina has been using her spare time to get involved with Olivia’s extracurriculars, like building a bug-themed ball toss game for our first Trunk-or-Treat and designing banners for the winter dance recital.

Olivia is also blossoming into her own little self. She’s full of astonishing questions, loves to experiment (with ingredients, makeup, and physics), and is emerging from her cocoon as she learns how to be a friend and make new ones too!

And as for the pups: Peanut figured out how to jump onto countertops, and we discovered that Praline is the fastest sprinter in backyard races.

Here’s to many more new opportunities, classes, festivals, and core memories!

Las Colibri All Female Mariachi